I like using Twitter because it helps me stay connected and informed. I follow my favourite brands, chat with friends, and keep up with news and trends. It’s a fun way to share thoughts and connect with people from all over.

Twit6ter is a free social media platform where people share short messages called tweets. These tweets can have text, videos, photos, or links. To use Twitter, you just need an internet connection or a smartphone to access the app or platform, Twitter.com.

This article delves into the various aspects of Twit6ter, exploring its history, features, impact on the social media landscape, and future developments.

History Of Twit6ter – You Should Must Know!

Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. They wanted to use a short messaging system for a small group. It became available to everyone in July 2006.

The word “Twit6terr” means a short burst of information, like the chirps of birds. This reflects the purpose of Twitter, which is to share quick updates.

Some key points about Twit6ter:

2012:Over 100 million users were posting 340 million tweets daily.
2013:Twitter became one of the top 10 most visited websites.
2013: Twitter filed for an IPO in September.
By 2019:Twitter has more than 330 million active users.
In 2022:Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, agreed to buy Twitter for $44 billion to make it a private company. The acquisition was finalized in October.
In 2023:witter partnered with investing platform eToro to allow users to access and trade stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other assets. Musk appointed Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter in May.

How Twit6ter Works – Here To Find!

On Twit6ter, users have control over what they see by following other users and companies of interest, as well as searching for specific topics. This personalized selection dictates the content on their timeline, aligning with their preferences and areas of interest. 

However, the timeline is not limited solely to posts from accounts they follow. Users may also encounter retweets from those they follow, where someone shares a post from another user, thus expanding the reach of content within their network. 

Additionally, promoted Tweets, which are paid advertisements, may appear in users’ timelines, offering a mix of both organic and sponsored content. This combination of curated content, retweets, and promoted posts shapes the user experience on Twitter, allowing individuals to engage with a diverse array of information and perspectives.

Business Uses For Twit6ter – Explore New Horizons!

1. Brand Awareness and Public Relations: 

Brand awareness and public relations are integral aspects of a business’s marketing strategy, and Twitter serves as a powerful platform to achieve these goals. By actively engaging with their target audience on Twitter, businesses can significantly enhance their brand visibility and reputation. 

2. Customer Interaction: 

Businesses leverage Twitter to interact directly with their customers, fostering engagement and building relationships. This platform allows for real-time communication, enabling businesses to address customer inquiries, feedback, and concerns promptly.

3. Timely Customer Service: 

Twitter serves as a platform for providing timely customer service, allowing businesses to respond swiftly to customer queries and resolve issues efficiently. This instantaneous communication enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Competitive Monitoring: 

Businesses utilize Twitter to monitor competitors, keeping abreast of their activities, trends, and customer interactions. This enables businesses to adapt their strategies and stay competitive in the market.

5. Product Announcements and Promotions: 

Twitter serves as a platform for businesses to announce new products, upcoming sales, and events, reaching a wide audience in real-time. This facilitates product promotion and generates excitement among followers.

6. Promoted Tweets: 

In addition to organic content, businesses can purchase promoted tweets, also known as ads, to extend their reach and engage with a larger audience. 

These promoted tweets appear seamlessly within users’ feeds, are labelled as “promoted,” and provide businesses with an effective means of advertising on the platform.

Changes To Twitter Since Musk Takeover – We Can Achieve More!

Since Elon Musk assumed control of Twitter in October 2022, several significant changes have occurred within the organization, now known as X Corp, following an official legal name change revealed in a court filing in April 2023. Here are the key alterations:

1. Twit6ter Blue Subscription:

Twitter introduced Twitter Blue, a paid subscription service offering additional features to user accounts. Subscribers are distinguished by a blue checkmark and can access features such as tweet editing or retraction, and reduced ad frequency by 50%. 

longer tweets with up to 10,000 characters, customizable navigation bar features, NFT profile pictures, prioritized tweet rankings, two-factor authentication, and colourful app themes. The subscription is available at a starting price of $8 per month or $84 per year.

2. Company Layoffs:

Musk implemented significant downsizing measures, reducing Twitter’s workforce by approximately 80% since October 2022. 

This amounted to around 6,000 job cuts, resulting in a substantial reduction from the pre-takeover workforce of about 8,000 employees to approximately 1,500 employees as of April 2023.

3. Twit6ter Feed Views:

Users now have the option to choose between viewing tweets recommended by Twitter or seeing the latest tweets from accounts they follow in their timelines, providing more control over their content consumption experience.

4. Reinstatement of Controversial Accounts:

Following the takeover, Musk reinstated several high-profile accounts, including former U.S. President Donald Trump, rapper Ye (Kanye West), and influencer Andrew Tate, who was previously banned for controversial content.

5. Account Identification and Verification:

Twitter revamped its verification process, replacing blue checkmarks with gold or silver ticks for brands and government figures. Celebrities and public figures are required to subscribe to Twitter Blue to retain their verification status.

6. Encrypted Direct Messages:

Verified users gained the ability to send encrypted messages to other verified users or organizations, ensuring privacy and security. Encrypted messages are protected by an algorithm to prevent unauthorized access.

7. Video and Voice Calling Features:

Twitter announced plans to introduce video and voice calling features, enabling users to make direct calls from the platform, although a specific timeline for this feature’s launch has not been provided.

8. Controversies After the Takeover:

NPR and PBS discontinued their use of Twitter after being labelled “government-funded media,” citing concerns about undermining editorial independence.

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) halted its use of Twitter due to proposed charges of $500,000 annually for platform usage, prompting Twitter to reverse its decision and offer free API access for public service entities.

Twit6ter Changes To X – Let’s Learn And Thrive!

In July 2023, Elon Musk announced that he was officially renaming Twitter to X. This rebranding involves replacing the iconic blue bird logo with an X, and now, X.com redirects to Twitter.

Musk envisions transforming X into a super app, offering various services including payment options, messaging, and social media functionalities, similar to China’s WeChat app. However, as of July 2023, the transformation remains limited to the name change.

It’s worth noting that Musk might encounter legal challenges in renaming Twitter to X, as other companies like Meta and Microsoft hold intellectual property rights to the letter X.


1. How does Twit6ter work?

Users on Twit6ter can customize their timelines by following other users, searching for specific topics, and engaging with tweets through likes, retweets, and comments. The platform also features promoted tweets, trending topics, and direct messaging functionalities.

2. What are the risks associated with Twit6ter?

Twit6ter poses risks such as the spread of fake news, the presence of bots, potential harassment and negative comments, and concerns regarding data security and privacy.

3. What changes have occurred on Twit6ter since Elon Musk’s takeover?

Since Elon Musk’s takeover, significant changes have been implemented on X, including the introduction of Twitter Blue subscriptions, layoffs, revamped verification processes, and plans for expanded features such as encrypted direct messages and video/voice calling functionalities.

4. What is the future of X?

The future of X remains uncertain yet promising, with potential transformations into a super app offering various services beyond social media. Elon Musk’s ambitious vision and the platform’s vast user base position X to continue shaping the digital landscape and driving innovation in online communication.


In conclusion, X, formerly known as Twit6ter, has undergone significant evolution since its launch in 2006. With over 330 million active users, it has become a leading platform for communication, information sharing, and engagement.